For a competition series like The Traitors , it’s important for cinematographers Siggi Rosen-Rawlings and Matt Wright to keep the players as immersed in the game as possible. While the players compete in a series of challenges and conspire with each other to root out the traitors, the pair is hard at work making sure they remain as out of the way as possible..

. while also keeping track of where the drama is happening. This season of The Traitors has some of reality TV’s biggest stars coming together to play the psychological competition game of treachery and deceit, along with host Alan Cumming.

The series was nominated for four Emmys, including Outstanding Cinematography for “The Funeral”, which both Wright and Rosen-Rawlings say was one of the most theatrical episodes that showed off the skills of every department. DEADLINE: You’re both nominated for episode four, “The Funeral”, what was it about that episode’s cinematography that stood out this season? MATT WRIGHT : The whole theme of that episode just allowed us to, for want of a better phrase, go to town on things. It was a kind of joy to make because it was so theatrical and there’s so much that we could get involved with on our side of things, which I think Siggi probably agrees with and can elaborate on, but it was a real chance to be creative and to try and elevate what was a great story.

SIGGI ROSEN-RAWLINGS : We spent a long time trying to figure out which episode to put forward, because we’re p.