Lentils are an amazing superfood that has some serious positive health benefits for our bodies. It's a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways, . I especially love because not only is it healthy, but it elevates the texture of it.

Try this that will make you eat a second and third bowl — it's sumptuous and good for you at the same time. I know it's easy to get excited about recipe ideas but before you take out your pot and other ingredients, let's get down to basics first. Lentils are members of the dried legume or pulse family along with beans, peas, and chickpeas.

They are normally sold dried and can easily be found in any supermarket or grocer. They're also accessible and simple to cook — especially if you follow this key step in the process. There are a lot of tips and tricks out there but start with this key step that will guarantee your lentils are safe and healthy to eat: sorting through them.

Why you should always sort through lentils Sorting your lentils before you cook them is an important step because it ensures your pile is clear of any debris that might've made it through the packing process. Have you ever looked in a bag of lentils and were surprised to find an odd stone or stem in there? That's because these legumes collect dirt, dust, and debris during the process of harvesting, processing, and sealing up to ship. When you're ready to prepare your lentils, instead of sorting them in a bowl or colander, try this technique instead and use .