ENGAGEMENTS BY Chidi Amuta No one can fairly accuse President Bola Tinubu of inaction or inactivity. On the job that he was elected to do, the man has been quite busy. On a daily basis, his office keeps rolling out innumerable appointments, setting up committees on nearly every subject and generally acting in response to changing national situations.

If an inventory of executive actions and initiatives were the sole measure of an effective presidency, Mr. Tinubu would score highly on the scale of presidential effectiveness. But something seems to be wrong somewhere with the strategy of governance on display.

So far, there is a worrying disconnect between Mr. Tinubu’s copious exertions and any perceivable improvements or tangible results in the situation of the country and the living conditions of the citizens. The more appointments and measures that tumble out of the Aso Rock assembly line, the more desperate the conditions in the country get.

Bandits and criminals are killing more people. The cry of anguish over hunger keeps increasing. The unemployment queues keep growing remain unaddressed as more and more multi national exist Nigeria.

In general, there is a sense in which there is now an inverse relation between sporadic presidential actions and the positive outcomes that the people can feel. As a consequence, a little over one year after its inception, the Tinubu presidency has struck an unusual consensus among Nigerians. Both the elite and the street people are united.