With nearly one-in-four people in Ireland living with obesity, there’s huge interest in weight-loss solutions that work. Drugs like Ozempic have proved a game changer, but for some theside effects are too tough to live with. Enter glucose monitoring apps How do biosensors work for weight loss? Vomiting on yourself in the shower in the middle of the night isn’t much fun, and there’s something particularly grim about knowing it’s self-inflicted.

But for people like me, who just can’t tolerate the side effects of the newest class of weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Saxenda, this isn’t an unusual experience. Semaglutide — the pharmaceutical name for Ozempic, and the other drugs in this family — were developed ostensibly to help combat type 2 diabetes, but have gained significant acclaim as weight-loss wonder drugs. They work on the hormonal system in the body and have a seemingly miraculous ability to regulate the appetite of users.

In clinical trials, people have lost as much as 21pc of their body weight, with many ancillary health benefits such as cutting the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.