Summary A major country music artist, Gene Autry transitioned from superstardom to serving as a USAAF tech sergeant during WWII. Autry's popular songs and successful movies augmented his career. He enlisted in WWII as a flight officer and served in 'The Hump.

' After WWII, Autry resumed his music and movie career, earning numerous distinctions, including five stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Gene Autry, the Singing Cowboy, is regarded as the second most influential artist in developing country music. In addition to his impressive musical career, he hosted the Gene Autry Show and acted in over a hundred movies.

Most of these aircraft became the primary combat aircraft for global air forces during World War II. He owned a television station and several radio stations in Southern California. Like Tyron Power, another person in the creative arts industry who served during World War II , Gene Autry also served in the second of the great wars of the twentieth century.

In this article, we will look at his contributions to the war. From superstardom to serving in war Autry's career in the movie industry and his career as a musician flourished side by side. One can argue that his career in music helped his movies flourish and vice versa.

Autry's records have sold over a hundred million copies. These include more than three hundred songs (co) written by him. Some of the most famous of these include: That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine, released in 1932.

South of the Border (Down Mexico.