Inzoi , The Sims competitor from PUBG developer Krafton, is drawing in a lot of new fans through its character creator demo, which shows off its ultra realistic graphics. Krafton has deployed the same strategy as the likes of Dragon's Dogma 2 and others by releasing the character creator portion of its game early. The Inzoi: Character Studio currently available on Steam will only be there for a few days, however, until August 25 at 9pm Pacific.

The full version of Inzoi is expected in late 2024 and is described as "a life simulation game where players become gods within the game, allowing them to change everything as they wish and experience endless new stories in various forms of life." This already had fans of The Sims turning their heads, but the character creator demo seems to have pulled their attention altogether. The Sims 4 is almost a decade old itself, but beyond that has been criticized for only including basic features and charging users for myriad expansion packs.

"I'm not looking back," said slickkpanther on Reddit. "All I've ever wanted in a life-sim was to walk around in a nice city, look pretty, maybe grab a coffee, read a book and plant some flowers. "It sounds like a lot, but it's really not.

I'm not asking for every building to be enterable. I'm not asking for hundreds of unique NPCs on screen. I'm not even asking for a realistic weather system.

What I want only sounds like a lot, because the bar has been set so low by The Sims 4." Myriad others agreed. "Al.