The latest free update to The Sims 4 will let you "define the conditions under which your Sims become jealous". That's handy. The new feature, called "Romantic Boundaries", will give you some settings to tweak that determine whether a Sim will be bothered when they see their partner flirting with the neighbour, or kissing the neighbour, or getting into bed with the neighbour, or becoming a blur of obscene pixels with the neighb- okay Cindy, stop! I'm not comfortable with this.

When I said we could open up I didn't mean with Nigel . You can make it so Sims will get bothered by "non-physical romance", such as a stranger complimenting their appearance. Or you can limit jealousy to kick in only when "physical romance" begins, like kissing and holding hands.

Or you can switch it all off completely to create the polyamorous couple of your dreams/nightmares . By default, any existing Sims in your saved games will all be fiercely jealous monogamous types. But newly created rando-Sims will vary on what they consider cheaty behaviour.

The patch notes go into more detail , but basically the new options appear in the character creation screen, alongside "Gender" and "Sexual orientation". The patch also changes some of the language of relationships to be more neutral, with "husband" and "wife" keywords getting replaced with the simple "spouse", while "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" have become "partner". There are other quality of life changes when it comes to relationships.

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