This is the second installment of Jason Elmore’s, “The Shay’s Haunted Halloween Tour”: Annoyed at that joke, Rylan pushed back. “Stop it Griffin.” “It’s not the dogman.
That’s an old legend.” Griffin chuckled at himself, impressed. “This is the real thing — a ghost.
My brother Tucker said he was out for a run through the park one night this summer. He heard crying near the fountain. He went over to see if he could help, and.
..” “Come on Rylan, your brother was joking around,” offered Andrew.
“No, seriously. When he came home, he was shaking.” “What did he see?” asked Griffin.
“He found a kid sitting by the Chris Eggle wood carved memorial bench. Tucker said the kid had on old fashioned clothes and looked like one of those pictures of kids you see at the historical museum. Tucker said the boy was crying and holding onto a cloth bag.
When Tucker got up to him, the kid looked up and was wearing a mask, like an old fashion Halloween mask. Then, when Tucker tried to reach out and touch the kid, his hands went right through him like he wasn’t even there. That’s when the kid just disappeared right into thin air.
” “Come on Rylan, he was kidding you. There’s no such thing as ghosts. My big brother Logan told me a story just like that, but Logan was out fishing late at night from the boat docks over there.
He told me pretty much the same thing about a kid just like Tucker told you; but, come on. Logan and Tucker are track team buddies, .