I’ll admit it. I was waiting for one character to ask another what day it was and for them to offhandedly reply, “It’s St. Bartholomew’s Day.

” I wanted my moment of hacky dramatic irony; I don’t care if it would be bad writing. Instead, the episode is bafflingly titled “All Saints Day,” like that’s going to throw us off the scent. There is literally one big thing Catherine de’ Medici is known for, and this is it! The murdering of all the people on St.

Bartholomew’s Day! If you want to know who St. Bartholomew was and what he looked like, according to Rubens, you can find an unflattering portrait of him on Wikipedia . He apparently was martyred in Azerbaijan, which is an interesting tidbit.

Also connected with his martyrdom site is the “ Legend of the Fire-Color-Haired Virgin Girl Savior ,” so you’re obviously going to want to check that out. He does, however, have literally nothing to do with our season finale, so we have to move on. So many things happened in this episode that they had to make it fifteen minutes longer than all the others.

We begin with Margot running into her room, screaming and smashing things because Catherine is making her marry Henry, the son of Jeanne of Navarre, when Margot wants to do one thing and that’s bang François de Guise. Charles, who, you will remember, has some unnatural feelings for Margot, promises her she will not have to marry Henry. Foolish, Charles! Your promises shall come to naught! Okay, but imagine h.