The World Taste & Smell Association presentation on , Multisensory Eating & Drinking Experience: What it is and How to Create it. , /PRNewswire/ -- As children we're told not to eat with our hands. But how about our ears and our eyes? Flavor and the enjoyment of a meal is more than just taste – it's a multisensory experience.

"Flavor involves all five senses: taste, smell, sight, sound and touch. The multisensory eating and drinking experience is about creating flavors based on crossmodal correspondence, neurogastronomy and neurofoodscience. Multisensory experience can be delivered by either foods, packaging, and/or the immediate environment," says , founder and CEO of W2O and World Taste & Smell Association (WTSA) Board Trustee.

"Snap! Crackle! Pop!", the Rice Krispies slogan for nearly a century illustrates the appeal of sound, which has been called the forgotten flavor sense. Turn on music and a meal feels more special. One study found that playing music made Chinese takeout seem to taste better.

The appeal of snack foods is enhanced by their satisfying crunch. Especially for Gen Z who have grown up with a barrage of visual stimulation, the appearance of food —and its packaging — can be a key component to flavor perception. "For people who suffer from smell or taste disorders a multisensory approach to eating is the secret sauce to making a meal enjoyable.

So many who suffer from these sensory impairments find that family meals and socializing are no longer enjoyable.