‘Between the Temples’ ★★ 1⁄2 Cast: Jason Schwartzman, Carol Kane, Dolly De Leon, Caroline Aaron, Robert Smigel, Madeline Weinstein, Matthew Shear and Lindsay Burdge. Directed by Nathan Silver; produced by Tim Headington, Taylor Hess and Nate Kamiya; screenplay by C. Mason Wells and Silver.

A Sony Pictures Classic release. 111 minutes. Rated R (language).

At AMC Champaign 13. There’s a lot going on in Nathan Silver’s “Between the Temples,” or perhaps there seems to be more going on than there actually is in this examination of a young widower’s downward spiral. The filmmaker’s scattered approach to the material ultimately does it a disservice, as there are far too many questionable aesthetic approaches at play that prevent the movie from finding its footing.

Still, solid performances from all and a sincerely delivered message prevent it from being a complete wash. Something is amiss with Cantor Ben Gottlieb (Jason Schwartzman). He’s lost the ability to perform his duties and has become a frequent visitor at a local bistro, where he drowns his sorrows with an endless flow of mudslides, enduring the bartender’s derision each time he’s served.

His mothers (Caroline Aaron and Dolly De Leon) are at a loss as to how to help him, resorting to setting him up on one awkward blind date after another. Entertaining thoughts of suicide, Gottlieb goes on a bender that ends up saving his life. Drunk and in need of help, he crosses paths with his high school music .