Nutritionist Federica Amati takes food very seriously, strictly limiting ready meals, fizzy drinks and emulsifiers at home with her supermodel husband and their young children. The link with the rise in bowel cancer in the under-fifties is too strong, she tells Damian Whitworth. When one of the United Kingdom’s leading nutritionists met and fell in love with the original male supermodel, the result was not a marriage of convenience food.

Dr Federica Amati is the bestselling author of Every Body Should Know This and head nutritionist at Zoe, the health science company founded by Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London. She is married to Paul Sculfor , who in the Nineties was the first man to be dubbed a “supermodel” and was the face of campaigns for Versace, Christian Dior, Paul Smith and others, while dating Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz. Now almost certainly the most handsome 53-year-old in Britain, he hosts a podcast on addiction, drawing on his own battles from many years ago, and is, according to Amati, “aligned” with her approach to healthy eating.

The couple have two daughters, aged six and four, and together they eat a rich and varied diet. But there are some things that Amati does not allow to pass her children’s lips. “I don’t see any benefit to drinking a cola at any point in life.

That’s something that I’m very black and white about. I don’t see any reason for even trying them. Fizzy drinks are the worst u.