Among Donald Trump’s most loyal campaign surrogates, Kimberly Guilfoyle has been especially eager to throw every name in the book at his rival, Kamala Harris, calling the Democrat presidential candidate a “liar,” a “fraud” and a “failed,” “dangerously liberal” anarchist who’s never rightfully earned any job she’s had. The former Fox News host and fiancée of Donald Trump Jr. even argued that Trump when he recently told a conference of Black journalists that Harris only recently “happened to turn Black.

” But Guilfoyle’s animosity towards Harris is nothing new and stems from around 2000, when both women were ambitious, up-and-coming prosecutors, and they reportedly clashed over Guilfoyle’s desire to work in the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. At the time, Harris was a former Alameda County prosecutor who supervised the office’s Career Criminal Unit, while Guilfoyle was trying to return to her hometown of San Francisco as she was dating and would soon marry another rising political star, Gavin Newsom. In Wednesday, the Daily Mail referred from the San Francisco Chronicle in which Guilfoyle accused the future California attorney general, U.

S. senator, vice president and Democratic presidential contender of trying to block her from getting a job in the San Francisco DA’s office. Guilfoyle the San Francisco DA’s office soon after finishing law school at University of San Francisco in 1994 — having famously modeled lingerie to pay f.