IN what has again underscored the level of decadence, warped and twisted values, signposted by heightening spate of criminalities, especially unbridled and deadly pursuit of filthy lucre in the Nigerian society, a caterer and an employer of labour, Olakunbi Adene, was murdered in cold blood recently in her residence in Ondo State. And strangely, her staff have been implicated as the main killers. Indeed three of the staffers who were arguably the closest employees to Mrs Adene; her Personal Assistant (PA), her driver and one other were suspected to be the arrowheads of the killer squad.

The killers allegedly struck after the deceased had feasted the ingrates with a sumptuous meal in her house, not knowing that the felons were undeserving of the hospitality she extended to them. They reportedly strangled her neck and stabbed her multiple times so much so that her bowel came out. By the alleged confession of the PA to the deceased, the ignoble objective of the treacherous employees was to rob Adene of the gifts she received, especially the foreign currencies that were reportedly sprayed on her copiously earlier in the day, during her birthday celebration.

There has been no report as to whether the assailants approached and attacked their victim while wearing mask, and that goes to show that liquidating the deceased was part of the insidious plan of these armed robbers because she knew them all. It was treachery at its height. The sordid incident exemplifies how dark human mind .