Directed by Shashi Ranjan, The Roshans will be kickstarting the new year on Netflix. The docu-series will feature brothers Rakesh and Rajesh Roshan, along with Rakesh's son, Hrithik Roshan, and is set to premiere on January 17, 2025. While the show will highlight the family's contributions to the film industry, it will also include many Bollywood personalities speaking about them.

Here's all we know about the docu-series releasing in the new year. Docu-series The Roshans premiering in January 2025The release date of the docu-series was announced on social media with the caption, "Dive into the world of The Roshans through music, movies, and a bond that defines legacy. Watch The Roshans, arriving on 17 January, only on Netflix.

" Like a handful of film families in Bollywood, the Roshans' legacy extends to a few generations. The docu-series is being co-produced by Rakesh Roshan and director Shashi Ranjan. It all began when Roshan Lal Nagrath, also known as Roshan, arrived in Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1948.

Within two years, he had his first hit score for the film Baawre Nain. He went to compose the music for the films Chandni Chowk (1954), Barsaat Ki Raat (1960), Aarti (1962), Taj Mahal (1963), and Anokhi Raat (1968). ALSO READ: Docu-Series The Roshans Will Look At Film Legacy Of Rakesh, Rajesh And Hrithik In Bollywood Roshan's older son Rakesh became an actor and filmmaker; he launched his own banner, Filmkraft, in 1980.

His younger son, Rajesh Roshan, became a music composer lik.