Viewers who tuned into The Repair Shop on Wednesday night were left "in bits" over a heartbreaking story told by one of the show's guests. Teddy Bear experts Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell welcomed Camilla Greenwood into the barn with her beloved toy bear, who was given to her by her late mum, Linda. Camilla explained that her mum was given the bear when she was young and passed it on to her when she was a child.

"He was with her throughout her childhood, and then when I came along, he was always kept in my room, and he's just sort of been a continuum throughout my mum's life and my life," explained Camilla. "It's always just been the two of us since I was six months old, and she was a very special woman." Camilla went on to reveal that her mum tragically died in a house fire last year.

" My mum died last year, there was a fire at my mum's house and that destroyed the house and my mum didn't get out," she said. "So it is remarkable that the bear survived. He was just on the lawn outside the house and I have no idea how he survived really.

" Opening up about her close relationship with her mum, the guest continued: " She was a single mum and she and I were an invincible team . She was a solicitor and she opened her own law firm when I was six months old, she was remarkable and a force to be reckoned with and kind and fierce in equal measures you know, just a very gentle person but determined." Camilla went on to reveal that she is expecting her first child and is hoping .