This is a strange episode, mainly focusing on the women hanging alone, either by themselves or in little groups of two. We get an advert for Shannon and Vicki’s road tour of comedy clubs, complete with a failed T-shirt slingshot. The room wasn’t that big, Vicki; you could have just thrown them or had Shannon shoot them out of her butt like an enema that got stuck in it.

We see Tamra and Katie take their disaffected 18-year-old daughters to a candle bar (a Housewives activity I would gladly participate in) to talk about how their divorces messed up their daughters’ perceptions of relationships. We even got Gina stealing some lemons from Shannon’s neighbor to put nine in a bowl. There was one home scene that really interested me, and that was Jenn’s sit down with her son, Shane Dawson.

Just kidding. It’s just Dawson, but the hair is giving me a 2010s YouTuber. I think this is one of the first times we’ve seen Jenn talk about something other than her drama with the women or her relationship.

There were also a couple of telling details. How did Jenn’s ex Will go from living in some big, fat house in Orange County to living in a one-bedroom apartment that his son wants to share with him? We are not getting the full story about this divorce, and I would like somewhere very trashy (I’m looking at you, RadarOnline) to interview Will and find out what is really going on. What interested me about the conversation between Jenn and Dawson is that Jenn seems totally unpr.