Growing up, my mother instilled a set of basic manners that I abide by today. Most of it is pretty pedestrian, like not showing up to someone’s house empty-handed, following up with a thank you after someone took the time to host you, or taking off your shoes before entering someone’s house. There is one principle, however, that, despite its simplicity, continues to be challenged whenever I navigate group situations: be kind.

I have seen many group trips crumble because a minor slight was treated as massive disrespect, only for us all to return to our destinations silently, muting or leaving the group chat that brought us together. I couldn’t help but think of this as I watched this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Dubai , and Stanbury, Brooks, and Taleen threw a tantrum over honoring Lesa Milan’s wish to dress in Balinese custom for dinner. On a basic level, I think anyone can understand not wanting to be on camera in something that makes you uncomfortable and may not fit well.

But, in my view, humoring a host for a few hours is simply not an impossible task, nor were the dresses they were presented any tackier than some of the most garish fits they’ve donned on screen. Was there too much illusion mesh and rayon for my tastes? Sure, but I still would have been a good sport, and at the very least, I would have given the group a heads-up that I was bowing out so they wouldn’t be waiting for me to show up for dinner. Not only was their behavior, rude, but .