Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Rawdogging flights is the latest TikTok travel trend. It involves foregoing any entertainment while ..

. [+] on a plane, but some health experts caution against not drinking or sleeping on long-haul flights. getty In-flight entertainment goes back as far as 1921 when passengers on an Aeromarine Airways flight watched a black-and-white film, “Howdy Chicago!” that was projected in the cabin.

These days, travelers have all kinds of options to keep entertained during a flight, from watching movies on their seat back screens to binge watching pre-downloaded Netflix shows or catching up on favorite podcasts. Curved 45-inch screens could even be coming to business class seats in the future thanks to a new product design from seat manufacturer Collins Aerospace and inflight entertainment company Panasonic Avionics. So, in this golden age of in-flight entertainment with all these options available to travelers, who would want to just stare ahead at the seatback, watching nothing but perhaps the flight map for the duration of a long-haul flight? The trend is referred to as “rawdogging” a flight and it basically means foregoing any of the in-flight perks—no in-flight entertainment, no snacks or beverages from the carts rolling through the aisles, and, in the most extreme cases, no drinking water or napping.

Like many trends, it’s playing out on TikTok, with some travelers posting about their most extreme rawdogging flight f.