In a world where women are constantly expected to do it all, have you ever wondered what happens when they just stop and take a breath? What if the most radical act of resistance isn’t in the struggle but in the stillness? What if real rebellion happens when women take some moments for themselves without any responsibilities or roles? Throughout history, leisure for men and women has been greatly influenced by gender roles which result in different experiences altogether. Men, often considered tough and adventurous, tend to pursue leisure activities away from home – for example playing sports or engaging in heated political debates.Women, on the other hand, are often viewed as nurturing, private, and inclined to stay within the home.

Their “leisure” is typically woven into their responsibilities, like caring for the family or keeping the household running smoothly. Historically, there isn’t much separation between work and relaxation in the lives of women. Their roles blur the lines between labor and leisure, making those quiet moments of rest feel like a rare luxury.

For men, who work outside the home, work and leisure are clearly separated. Of course, economic status influences how people spend their free time but regardless of wealth, men still find ways to carve out time for themselves. For the affluent, it might be a drive or a hobby; for others, it could be as simple as gathering at a local stall for a chat.

Leisure is when you can just be yourself without wor.