Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck of Bhutan has founded The PEMA, an apex agency to coordinate mental health and protection services in Bhutan. It is named after the lotus, which blooms into beauty even from the depths of the most challenging conditions. “During the Covid-19 lockdown, domestic violence spiralled.

Our Queen put a hotline in place and immediately requisitioned hotel rooms for those who needed it,” recounted Peldon Tshering, Board Member at The PEMA Secretariat. “While Her Majesty works tirelessly for her people, her highest priority continues to be the safety and welfare of the most vulnerable, particularly women and children.” Under His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck’s leadership, while Dasho Dechen Wangmo was Bhutan’s Health Minister, we managed to curtail COVID-19 fatalities to 21 deaths, of whom 20 were already terminally ill patients.

Now, by Royal Command, Dasho Dechen has been tasked by Her Majesty to work with a team of dedicated counsellors and other professionals in the field to address the mental health crisis as the Head of the PEMA Secretariat. The office was inaugurated in 2022 by the Queen, and for Dasho Dechen, this was a lifetime honour and opportunity to serve the country and Her Majesty. Bhutan welcomes causemates, collaborations and resources, and wishes to replicate our model’s successes internationally because mental well-being is the heartbeat of Gross National Happiness.

Bhutan, with unwavering support from the membe.