The federal government has unveiled the new Presidential Jet – Airbus A330 which it acquired against widespread criticisms. Many Nigerians had argued that the acquisition would be insensitive given the country’s economic challenges; hence suggested that existing aircraft should be overhauled while others maintained that the purchase was a necessity rather than a luxury. The government as an act of being transparent and accountable should make public the cost of the Jet.

The current presidential fleet consists of old aircraft that have become unreliable and consume high maintenance costs. The president was forced to use chartered flights to Saudi Arabia and from South Africa; the vice president also had to cancel an official visit to the United States due to faulty presidential aircraft. It is more cost-effective, safer, and convenient to have a functional presidential fleet than frequently chartering flights.

New planes consume less fuel, require less maintenance, and are more reliable than older ones. The president and the vice president require a functional and reliable presidential fleet to perform their duties optimally. They are often required to travel to attend summits, and meetings, engage in foreign missions, respond to emergencies, etc.

Lest we forget, Presidential Jets are also a symbol of National Pride and the Status of Office. Also recently a good number of high-profile persons including the former president of Iran have died in air mishaps; a call for more .