There’s little chance that the Democratic Party’s candidate will be anybody other than Kamala Harris, and she’s certainly earned it. President Biden put her in charge of the southern border and, Republican lies aside, illegal crossings are down dramatically ( over 54% down, according to CBS News) and violent crime is at lows we haven’t seen in decades (it peaked with Trump ). She’s met with world leaders and represented America brilliantly during a time when China, Russia, and Iran are moving aggressively against nearby democracies and here in America the GOP has embraced naked authoritarianism.

She’s helped shepherd through Congress some of the most consequential legislation in our lifetimes to backstop the middle class, fight climate change, and revitalize the American economy. She’s been beside Biden at most of history’s hinge-points and honorably elevated her office, something nobody could say about, for example, Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, or Mike Pence (with one single exception). Vice President Harris has been an outspoken advocate of women’s reproductive rights in the face of Republican efforts to turn the clock back to the 1950s; she’s been a champion for voting rights (particularly the John Lewis Freedom To Vote Act); and has a solid law-and-order background as San Francisco District Attorney and California’s elected Attorney General.

She worked side-by-side with President Biden to bring our economy back from the worst collapse since the Republica.