Liz Ellis appeared on on Thursday night and shared a surprising admission that some viewers have labelled 'embarrassing'. The confession came out while discussing UK footballer Callum Guy and his wife Abbie, who have admitted to lying to their children about when their birthdays are to fit his schedule as he's often training or playing a match on their actual birthdays. Abbie confessed that she tells their children that their birthdays are on days when both she and Callum aren't working so they can celebrate as a family.

Liz then surprised the panel when she said, "I think, who doesn't lie to their kids about their birthdays?" "Most people in the world don't," a shocked Waleed Aly said. "You're not supposed to lie to your kids at all," Sam Taunton added. "I often say to my kids, 'Would I lie to you?' And they'd often say, 'Only when it suited you,' and that is true," Liz joked before referencing Callum and Abbie's kids and saying, "Well, they're two and three years old, so of course you would just make their birthdays whatever suits you.

" The panel was baffled by this, with Waleed questioning at what age would you tell them when their actual birthday is, "What, when they're 18, you go, 'Oh you know what, your birthday's on the 24th this year." "No, don't be silly, I would have told them by the time they were 15," Liz quipped. "Oh, mother of the year!" Sam teased.

Viewers were divided on the topic, with one user writing, "Totally agree, at that age it’s about the parents bei.