Fans of The Princess Diaries franchise have been patiently waiting for the third installment of their beloved movie for two whole decades. Now, their prayers finally seem to have been answered as the princess of Genovia herself, Anne Hathaway has confirmed a third film is officially in development at Disney. Anne Hathaway confirms The Princess Diaries 3 The actress shot to stardom in Hollywood when the original movie debuted in 2001, in which she played San Francisco teen Mia Thermopolis, a normal girl who goes from being a slightly aloof and bullied nerd to the only heir to the small European country of Genovia.

Her estranged grandmother, Genovian Queen Clarisse (played by the brilliant Julie Andrews), travels to the US in a bid to prepare Mia to take over the kingdom when she is ready. The actress took to her Instagram account to officially announce the new movie. Hathaway shared a news article announcing Adele Lim as director of The Princess Diaries 3.

She captioned the post, “Miracles happen. Back to Genovia with @adeleblim @disney @somewherepictures. The fairy tale continues,”.

ALSO READ: Julie Andrews on Princess Diaries 3: Julie Andrews Has An Update For Princess Diaries 3. And It Will Not Make You Happy Adele Lim signed as director Adele Lim is returning to work with Disney as director of The Princess Diaries 3. It’s the second time Lim will be behind the camera after writing Disney’s animated 2021 movie, Raya and the Last Dragon.

She was the writer of Crazy R.