One should not be serious, but rather sincere in life. Seriousness destroys the ability to be playful. As children, we are naturally playful, but as we grow up, elders, noticing the need for accomplishment, begin advising us to take life seriously.

According to them, seriousness will fulfil the need for accomplishment, while playfulness is seen as an obstacle. This is a big myth. It is not seriousness that helps us reach our goals, but commitment.

In fact, when commitment is combined with playfulness, the journey becomes enjoyable. Being playful is a great secret to happiness. Playfulness makes you feel light, while seriousness makes you feel heavy.

The so-called religious people look lifeless because they have lost the art of being playful. Be playful, but at the same time sincere, and you will have a childlike presence. However, a childish person is playful but not sincere.

Observe whether you are taking things lightly or seriously. When you become too serious, you feel heavy and unhappy. For example, if you have a fever, notice that becoming overly serious might lead you to imagine you need to be admitted to the hospital, and as a result, you could make yourself feel worse with worry.

On the other hand, if you take it lightly, your attitude might be: ‘God has given me an opportunity to rest. Nature is healing me in its own way.’ And, at the same time, you will see the doctor.

Secondly, you should observe and recognise that what is happening is merely the observed. Crea.