Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Claus Nussgruber | CEO, Utility Global. getty Transitioning to a net-zero world appears daunting. Global pandemics, war and climate change all pose enormous existential threats.

Despite these formidable obstacles, we live in an era capable of swift adaptation and innovation. The rapid development of vaccines and the widespread adoption of video conferencing to maintain productivity during the Covid-19 pandemic are prime examples of our potential to innovate and overcome challenges. Indeed, there are significant hurdles, but solutions are within reach.

To truly harness the power of innovation and make the energy transition a reality, we need to understand the crucial factors that drive successful innovation. The Crucial Factors For Innovation Innovation requires more than just a great idea or a technological breakthrough. Historical examples of innovation illustrate that even groundbreaking inventions need the right conditions to thrive.

A version of the printing press, for instance, was invented in China 800 years before Gutenberg's version in 1440. However, the political situation under the Tang dynasty limited its widespread adoption. In contrast, Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press flourished in a politically fragmented Europe , where there was a high demand for books.

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