It is an indisputable fact that beauty standards are contingent on the trends and fads of a specific time period. Androgynous, unhealthily emaciated features reigned in the early 1990s, for one, while exaggeratedly-sculpted visages were all the rage in the 2000s thanks to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Bella Hadid. Through it all, however, one thing has remained constant: the desire for straight, white teeth.

A hallmark of good hygiene as well as an indicator of wealth, the definition of a brilliant smile has stayed consistent over the years—though the methods used to achieve said chompers have varied. The latest contender to enter mainstream consciousness? Veneers. “Veneers are essentially thin, custom-made porcelain shells that are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance,” elucidates Dr Khee Yeo, dental surgeon from Nuffield Group.

“They are used to correct a variety of cosmetic dental problems.” From discolouration to chips, cracks, gaps, and unevenness, veneers have been the go-to option for the celebrity set for years now. Recent adopters include Sabrina Carpenter , Dakota Johnson , Miley Cyrus , and more, though what is surprising is its rising popularity amongst the masses.

In fact, global market research company, Coherent Market Insights, recently identified that the dental veneers market will value at a staggering USD$3.88 billion by 2031. But is the procedure as straightforward—and safe—as it sounds? Vogue Singapore sits down.