The Penguin led by Colin Farrell explores the story of a DC villain called Penguin who takes over Gotham city and becomes one of the vicious bosses in the city's criminal underworld. The show is set to follow Oz's rise to power after the death of Carmine Falcon in The Batman. The show doesn't neglect the tone set by its OG film, nor does it ignore its main character and what it stands for.

Disclaimer: This review is based on episode 1 of The Penguin in the DC universe. The Penguin is based on Matt Reeves' Batman universe and begins right after the end of Robert Pattinson's film. We watch the end credits roll once again as new coverage of what The Riddler did.

Much like us, Oswald Cobb feels bad for the people of the town only half of which was destroyed. Majorly the poor side of the townspeople suffer due to the flood and the riots that follow. It also leads to the massive inflow in the drugs business and the criminal activity in the city continues to grow.

Cobb understands these people and sympathizes with them. Not long ago he was one of them, but it doesn't stop him from exploiting them which easily puts him on the wrong side of the law. With Falcon gone, he aims to take in what he can to make more money and to grow the distance between him and the people he sympathizes with.

But the minute he is put in front of them, it is obvious the distance to the top is too vast to cover. Penguin will uncover his greed and how it will change him. SEE ALSO: DC's Green Lantern Is Making.