The Penguin is finally here, the much anticipated spin-off from the hit 2022 film The Batman which centers on Colin Farrell's gangster Oz Cobb. First reactions to the show have already been overwhelmingly positive, with it earning a near-perfect Rotten Tomatoes score . Meanwhile our own The Penguin review says it features one of the "best performances in Batman’s on-screen history", referring to Cristin Milioti's new character Sofia Falcone.

She makes her entrance in the opening episode, butting heads with Farrell's Oz as he begins to make his move, wanting more power within Gotham. There's plenty then to unpack with this opening instalment so join us as we dive right into The Penguin episode 1. Warning! The following features spoilers so make sure you have watched it before reading on.

Oz puts his plan for power into place Picking up in the immediate weeks after the events of The Batman, news reports provide us with a recap of how that movie ended. Looting and rioting are now the norm, whilst there's a power vacuum in Gotham following the death of crime boss Carmine Falcone. Now in his place is son Alberto Falcone.

Oz arrives at the deteriorating Iceberg Lounge, breaking into a safe to retrieve blackmail documents that can be used on members of government and the Falcone family. He also takes some jewelry which he claims he was fetching for Alberto when the young gangster interrupts him. Oz takes advantage of Alberto's drug and alcohol problems, with the latter soon enough.