A special kind of love letter from St. Lunaire-Griquet. (Submitted by Connie Boland) A lot of the past still hanging around in this week's gallery, and it's almost always welcome! Enjoy these photos, then scroll to the end to see how you can be part of the gallery next week.

Not a colourized photo, but a trip down memory lane in Monroe, Trinity Bay. (Submitted by Gary Mitchell) Sunrise at Voisey's Bay seems to boil away the water to steam. (Submitted by Kenny Dicker.

) A window to the past in Greenspond. (Submitted by Wayne Mullett) 'Carl! For love of- look out, MOVE!' (Submitted by Jane Smith) Jerome called this 'red sky at Gros Morne(ing)' when he captured a magnificent sky before Hurricane Debbie arrived. (Submitted by Jerome Jesseau) A beautiful sunny day with the glass-like sea at Bay L'Argent.

(Submitted by Sheila Mullins) For many, Fort Amherst in St. John's is the last stop before the open Atlantic. (Submitted by Madan Raj Rhandari) Have a photo you'd like to share? Here's how to get in touch with us: email nlphotos@cbc.

ca . It's a dedicated address just for photo submissions from across Newfoundland and Labrador. Here's what we need from you: your name, where the photo was taken and a caption that tells us what's in the image.

We encourage you to add any information you think our readers would enjoy! We share the photos we receive here, and we might also use them on Here & Now each weeknight during Ashley Brauweiler's weather segments. And we always give credit. Becau.