2024 is on a cosmic mission to refine, redefine and reset every aspect of our lives. September is marked by several pivotal shifts including a partial lunar eclipse coinciding with the Super Harvest Moon in Pisces on September 18 in the middle of multiple retrogrades . This convergence occurs on the brink of the Autumn Equinox and ‘Pitru Paksha’—a Vedic astrological period for honouring our ancestors; a lot like Halloween, except lasting an entire fortnight.

As the veil between the dimensions thins towards the October 2nd annular solar eclipse in Libra, it is a golden time to shed layers with a core focus on emotions, relationships and finances. Here’s how you can restore balance to your life during the upcoming partial lunar eclipse and Super Harvest Moon: Aries Slow down and savour each moment. While others may think you’re cuckoo, only you can see the magic dust you hold in your hand.

This is a period marked by rapid spiritual growth and activations where embers of the past fade and all that remains is a new perspective that leads you towards effortless manifestations. Taurus Your connection to your home element, Earth, is amplified during this period. For some, this could translate to embarking on a quest close to their heart, specifically around leaving behind a lighter carbon footprint or feeling a call to serve the environment in a bigger way.

For others, it simply translates into feeling more centred, connected and grounded—be it through breathwork, garden.