When it comes to breastfeeding everyone talks about the challenges you may face when you're starting your feeding journey. From the moment they place that tiny baby on you for the first time, there's help, advice and someone there to talk you through those first feeds. Then there's the support of midwives and lactation consultants, to supplements like Elevit which can help meet the increased nutritional requirements of breastfeeding, nipple shields, lactation cookies and breast pumps.

There's so much information and resources out there for when you're in the thick of it. But there's an element of breastfeeding that no one really talks about: stopping. READ MORE: 'Cannot stop crying' - new mum Chloe's guilt over 'baby blues' Whether you chose to stop breastfeeding on your own, or your baby self weans, one thing no one really talks about until it happens is how emotional it can be.

With my return to work slowly creeping up on me and my daughter starting daycare, I knew I needed to start thinking about what we were going to do. Could I juggle keeping the morning feed and then pumping at work, or would that be too hard to try and maintain? Did I want to wake my daughter up in the morning to be able to feed her before I had to leave for work? There's so much you have to consider, and I really didn't think about how emotional the whole experience of stopping breastfeeding was going to be. READ MORE: The unexpected challenge so many new mums face Breastfeeding - at times - was.