Opinion – Pacific islands rugby is not alone. The lack of finance to support rugby in the islands is the same across most of the so-called rugby developing nations. Unfortunately, the solutions are not as easy as A, B, C.

Last week’s revelation about Lakapi Samoa’s decision to withdraw from a planned Northern Hemisphere tour later this year is just another sign to show the real dilemma small rugby unions are faced with daily. The union’s board chair, former Prime Minister Tu’ilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegao, cited “the lack of sponsorships” as “the greatest challenge” to the union’s efforts to grow and sustain the sport. “We propose the exploration of targeted initiatives that can make a genuine and lasting difference for a country the size of Samoa.

This could include enhanced financial assistance, and more robust support structures to help us navigate the complexities of international competition,” he said in a letter to World Rugby chairman, Sir Bill Beaumont. In an interview with RNZ Pacific, Tu’ilaepa said Lakapi Samoa, need funding to support themselves. He claims the current government does not support them as much as his former government used to do.

“Lakapi Samoa has been facing a lot of financial problems ever since our government left,” he said. “We had talked again with other sponsors as well as other donations from the 100 years celebrations.” He said they are working on cleaning up their backyard and try to secure new financial supp.