1 Tell us about your Fringe show My show - Like, Nobody’s Watching - is stand-up hour about being a reality TV superfan growing up, and what that’s done to my relationship with the real world. My life has never really matched the dizzying highs I used to feel when watching judge's houses; the only long term relationship I have had has been with the cast of Loose Women. When I was a child, I always used to put on my own Saturday night shows, and now that I'm an adult, I felt it was time to get real.

So, I’m doing my shows in public instead of in my living room. 2 How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time? It is the biggest moment of my life to date. This is where everything changes.

My future is hanging in the balance. So yeah, I am feeling really level-headed and low stakes about it! Thank you. 3 Why did you decide to perform at the Fringe? It’s a perfect and unflawed arts institution.

That aside, I think it’s one of the only places you can take a show and see it succeed in some way, regardless of your profile. It’s exciting to think you have twenty-five opportunities to do it, and that people are coming with an open-mind. Still so many comedians seem to find their voice and their audience in Edinburgh, so I wanted a slice of the pie.

4 If you were not a performer what would you be doing? I think I would be a minor celebrity. I wish I had been an adult when Big Brother was in its heyday, or that I was a straight man with a six pack, and then I w.