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au for a chance to be featured in an upcoming story. Packing your suitcase for a trip can often be a stressful process - you want to bring enough stuff that you have everything you need..

. but you need to stick to weight and size restrictions . It's easy to fall into the trap of overpacking your bags with things you don't need.

 And the general consensus is that there's one outfit you should just always leave at home, as a rule. READ MORE: The 10 adventures every first-timer to Perth must experience In a Reddit thread , one person asked frequent travellers to weigh in on the topic "What's the first thing you ditch when you need more space in your luggage?" Overwhelmingly, the number one answer among respondents is that they get rid of any 'fancy clothes' if they need space in their suitcase. More often than not, these clothes just don't end up getting worn.

"I used to pack 'nice' clothes in case I wanted to go somewhere fancy or a nightclub or something," the top comment on the thread reads. "But the thing is, I NEVER go to nightclubs or fancy places! So I stopped packing makeup, fancy clothes, extra purses, high heels, etc. I'll pack the clothes I wear over and over, and just plan on doing laundry.

" READ MORE: The one-step tape trick that will make packing a suitcase so much easier Another weighed in, adding that even i.