For most people, indulging in an occasional cookie, ice cream cone or candy bar isn’t a big deal. However, too much of these good things can impact your health in some serious ways. According to the American Heart Association, men should try to limit their daily sugar intake to 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons), while women and kids are advised to max out at 100 calories (6 teaspoons) — much lower than the 17 teaspoons the average American consumes each day! A can of soda here, a donut there, and dietary sugar adds up in a hurry.

Eating too much sugar can contribute to a number of health risks, perhaps the most obvious being weight gain and obesity. In fact, foods with added sugar are often one of the first things overweight people are advised to limit or cut out completely. If not controlled, excess sugar intake may affect the pancreas’s ability to produce insulin, resulting in blood sugar fluctuations that over time can lead to pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Research also suggests that high sugar consumption may be associated with elevated risks for other serious health conditions including high blood pressure, inflammation, heart disease, cognitive decline and even some cancers, not to mention acne and tooth decay. Are you guilty of giving in to frequent sweet tooth cravings? There are easy and relatively painless ways to cut back on your sugar intake. Out of sight is out of mind.

Remove immediate temptation by getting rid of that cookie jar and snack bowl you usua.