WASHINGTON , Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "Understanding the unique cultural and health needs of our communities is essential. That's why we developed these infographics— " Let's help each other prevent cancer by taking these 10 steps," to provide practical and accessible information on 10 steps we can all take in our daily routines to help prevent cancer and improve our overall health and well-being," said Jane L.

Delgado , PhD, MS, President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (The Alliance). In support of the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) upcoming National Hispanic Family Cancer Awareness Week ( September 20-26, 2024 ), the Alliance, in collaboration with the Healthy Americas Foundation, announced the release of two new infographics, available in both English and Spanish. These resources are designed to support Hispanic families across the nation to take proactive steps in reducing their cancer risk. National Hispanic Family Cancer Awareness Week is dedicated to raising awareness about cancer prevention and early detection within Hispanic communities.

The Alliance infographics focus on critical areas of cancer prevention, including: "Our mission is to support the Hispanic community with the knowledge and tools that are essential to making informed health decisions," said Dr. Delgado. "These bilingual infographics are new resources for promoting cancer awareness and prevention.

" The Alliance and the Healthy Americas Foundation encourage wide.