The mysterious nightclub created by David Lynch now has a location in New York After its success in Paris and Ibiza, the new headquarters in the Big Apple – designed by Crosby Studios – has made the club’s concept a world leader in interior design A little over a decade ago, French businessman Arnaud Frisch had a vision. At 142 Rue de Montmartre — home to the country’s most committed press during the 19th and 20th centuries — he would make his personal dream come true: a club that would give free rein to the fantasies of a public that was thirsty for a different kind of night out, involving the strictest privacy. “Silencio is a refuge where the noise of everyday life fades away, making room for authentic artistic and cultural encounters, as well as moments of reflection and creativity,” Frisch explains to EL PAÍS by email.

The same building where J’Accuse was printed — Émile Zola’s famous article against antisemitism — would become, in the hands of Frisch and his partner Antoine Caton, an ode to entertainment and escapism for a generation fed up with the global crisis brewing around them. A new benchmark for Parisian nightlife that wouldn’t only host parties, but also concerts, talks, contemporary art exhibitions and film screenings. The announcement of its opening in September 2011 was a worldwide media bombshell.

The idea was to have the filmmaker David Lynch as artistic director of the establishment, which would be inspired by the intriguing c.