I have said it many times, and will say it many more, polling science is BAD science. I am often asked by those in my orbit about the latest polls, and I remind them of two things: 1) All polls prior to Labor Day of an election year are for entertainment purposes only; and 2) Ignore the numbers, they are essentially worthless. The problem with the vast majority of MSM, is they rely upon these fantasy politics numbers to generate their story ideas, and depending on who is signing their paychecks, those ideas are framed the way they choose to frame them, regardless of facts.

Thus, we get the current New York Times, WSJ, WaPo, Corporate-owned cable “news,” etc., and those organizations are completely unprepared for what is going to happen eight weeks from Tuesday. Now that we are post Labor Day, and the majority of Americans who pay little or no attention to politics start tuning in, polls begin to have a little more meaning, but only as an indicator of trends.

As we can see in current polling, those trends are moving consistently toward Kamala Harris. That’s a good thing, IMO. Polls do not, however, provide an accurate reflection of reality when it comes to predicting the final outcomes of an election (see virtually every election for the past three decades as examples).

Seriously, how many times does a process have to be demonstrated as seriously flawed before people stop taking it seriously? Modern polling is just an excuse to justify confirmation biased stories. Nothin.