The first Shabbat in the month of October, which also happened to be a Jewish holiday, turned into a horrendous attack on the Jewish Homeland. This has occurred not just once in history, but twice, on this particular Shabbat. The first time was in 1973 when a coalition of Arab nations attacked Israel , and it happened again exactly 50 years later on Simchat Torah in 2023, when Hamas-ISIS and Islamic Jihad breached the fence, entered Israel, and savagely carried out the biggest massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

In the weeks leading up to Succot in 2023, I felt there was something coming, that something was evil in the atmosphere. I remember speaking about this with family members and friends, and also when I was meeting with a group of people from Denmark. Little did I know that only three days later Israel would change forever, while falling into a state of ongoing trauma and pain from the brutal onslaught by Hamas on October 7.

The area of land called the Gaza Strip, was once inhabited in by the Jewish people. It was transformed from a beautiful and prosperous piece of land that was rightfully part of Israel after it was liberated from Egyptian occupation, into an oppressive pit of horror and violence when Israel was pressured by the US Government and the UN to “give land for peace,” and every single Jew was forcibly evicted from Gaza in 2005. Even Jewish graves were dug up and and removing when Gaza was handed over to the Palestinians.

Instead of prospe.