Social Security taxation is finally coming to the public’s eye. Since 1983 the income levels for taxation are 25K/34K. These numbers have not been raised at all.

For a single person, 25K may have been a good number then but not now. These numbers should be raised every year. Retired Person Regarding the 1st Amendment and tax exemption for religious organizations (not just churches:) Chief Justice John Marshall, in McCulloch v.

Maryland, said that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Taxing religious organizations means the government has the power to control them. Clearly a violation of the Constitution.

Taxing religious organizations is making laws respecting (meaning referring to and controlling, not having feelings about them) religion, a flat-out violation. Cato “There is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking.” – Kamala Harris.

In 2021, the fees tied to fracking generated $234 million in revenue for Pennsylvania communities. In 2022, the natural gas sector in PA supported 123,000 tax-paying jobs that delivered $41 billion in economic activity. M.

Furlong Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the ultra-liberal “Dream Team”. As a senator, Harris was more liberal than Bernie Sanders, and Gov, Walz is left of Gavin Newsome. God help us if these socialists win the election.

I commend Kamala Harris for her wisdom in endorsing President Trump’s policies. Just this past weekend she came out and endorsed President Trump’s policy for eliminati.