Some Dose cures all ailments Over the course of recent months, as No 1 Son hit the home straight of further academic shenanigans, The Menu would unchain said progeny from his desk to take him out for some much needed R&R in the form of a stroll and a coffee at the Some Dose coffee shop in Congress Road, in Turner’s Cross. The Menu was especially delighted to see proprietors Jarryd and Tamzyn Kotze choosing a formerly defunct suburban retail premises in which to open their second outlet (the first is in Hanley’s Garden Centre, Frankfield), restoring some of that local independent community feel which has become so sadly lacking in these days of homogenised franchised high street chains and industrial retail parks. And now the intrepid duo are opening a third outlet, this one in the Cork Opera House Café, weekdays only.

Of course, it is ultimately all about the bean for The Menu and he is delighted to report that not only are they pouring Roasted Brown but other specialty coffees, Irish and international. Those spied on their shelves in recent times include Cloudpicker, Exemplar, White Star, Bailies and Right Side Coffee, making it a veritable temple to the way of the bean. Rare opportunity for wining and dining Meeran Manzoor, Executive Chef at Rare in Kinsale’s delightful little Blue Haven hotel, continues to garner an ever-growing retinue of fans as his application of classical French technique to his Tamil Nadu heritage then brought to bear on premium Irish produce .