Human life appears to be a hotbed of problems. Problems do not seem to go away till human breath is on. A Western philosopher had famously responded by pointing at the burial beds in the graveyard when someone asked him who in the world were without problems.

Why do problems come and recur? Human life is evolutionary. And human beings are innately imperfect—incomplete in knowledge and understanding. This is a universal truth that all acknowledge and accept.

The imperfect humans unwittingly commit violations of the immanent laws set in by their creator and invite his retributive action. The retributive action helps in the spiritual evolution of humans. But problems and their retributive effects are avoidable.

Humans need guidance and direction. That guidance and direction cannot come from other humans or sets of humans because all humans are constrained by the above limitations of knowledge and understanding. That guidance can come only from a higher power—the dynamic, divine creator who is omniscient.

The human body, mind, intellect and ego self were created by the divine creator Ishwar and he alone knows everything about these entities. Humans can have some knowledge and understanding of these entities but they still lack much of it. Furthermore, they have very limited knowledge about other humans and other living beings and material nature.

That is why they always need the knowledge strands provided by Ishwar to live well and progress in life. The creator dwells within .