Wednesday, August 14, 2024 The Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) in the Bahamas has shattered its previous records by handling an impressive 4.06 million passengers during the fiscal year 2024. This new high surpasses the airport’s former record of 3.

99 million passengers set in Fiscal Year 2019, underscoring its robust post-pandemic recovery and growth. Record-Breaking Performance LPIA’s outstanding performance in FY 2024 highlights a significant rebound in passenger traffic. The airport had previously set a calendar year record of 4.

1 million passengers in 2019, and it is on track to exceed that number by the end of 2024. This increase reflects a broader trend of recovery and growth, as the global travel industry continues to rebound from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Passenger Growth and Sector Breakdown The Bahamian tourism officials revealed that the total number of passengers increased by 9.

27 percent year-on-year across all travel sectors, including U.S., international, and domestic flights.

Specifically, the breakdown for FY 2024 is as follows: U.S. Sector: 2,863,556 passengers International Sector: 449,988 passengers Domestic Sector: 747,388 passengers This represents a marked increase from previous years, with FY 2022 recording 2.

8 million passengers and FY 2023 achieving a record 3.7 million. Strategic Efforts and Partnerships Vernice Walkine, President and CEO of Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD), attributed the record-breaking succes.