Sophie Bailey has worked as a new-born photographer for six years but specialised in birth for four and a half years. In 2023, Sophie won the ‘People’s Choice Award’ in 2023 with her photograph titled: ‘Birth is Birth’, a photo that depicted the birth of a new-born baby in a hospital . Read more: Now, she is hoping to get a second win under her belt with her latest nomination titled: ‘New Beginnings and Endless Love’.

The potentially award-winning photo was taken during a home birth in . Sophie described the story behind the photo, she said: “As his owner laboured throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning, Sam the dog stayed right beside her. Protective and loyal he comforted her as she rode the waves time and time again.

“When I arrived to document the arrival of their baby earthside later that morning, Sam continued to be a constant figure next to the birthing pool in the lounge. “As I sandwiched myself between the wall and the settee with very little room for manoeuvre I noticed that in the time it had taken me to move, Sam had laid his head down on the settee and was looking at the baby. “I knew it would make for a beautiful photo because of the way he'd positioned himself so as quickly as I could without disturbing him I took the photo in a split second.

“Those big, beautiful, soulful eyes of his were full of the purest love I have ever seen. They say dogs are the truest form of unconditional love, here I give you the proof.” .