A popular Aussie comedy duo have abruptly ended their show after 14 years following an “embarrassing” falling out. Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler — the comedians behind The Little Dum Dum Club with Tommy and Karl — announced they would no longer be producing the podcast together. After cryptic Instagram posts and the first missed episode in the history of their podcast, Dassalo, 38, took to X to reveal the pair have had a messy falling out.

“Over the past couple of weeks our working relationship deteriorated to the point where a bunch of commitments were left unfulfilled,” Dassalo said. “To get to this point was pretty disheartening for me, as someone who cares deeply about the quality and consistency of what they put out. “There’s no one person at fault here, but there’s also unfortunately no way forward.

We can no longer work together, and the show was suffering as a result of that.” Dassalo went on to explain that he felt it was the right time to end the show and claimed Chandler did not feel the same way. “Everything has to end eventually, right?” he wrote.

“Unfortunately, the other half of the show doesn’t feel the same way, in spite of my trying to have a conversation about this.” Chandler, 48, posted his own brief statement to Instagram saying the drama was a “bit much”. “Sorry for the drama! Bit much, don’t you reckon?” he said.

“Anyway, it’s been very difficult lately. Always been great on air, bit of a tough working rel.