is no easy task. I know because I’m living it. For many women, including myself and the following 29 from the collective, blending these two worlds is not just a necessity—it’s a source of strength and fulfillment.

As Ashley Rector, Founder of reflects, “I am not a mother one day and a business owner the next—I am both intertwined in every moment of my day.” By embracing the dual nature of our roles, we can find empowerment in our multifaceted lives. To balance their commitments to both their businesses and families, these entrepreneurs have developed unique strategies and support systems.

For example, Sarah Loughry, Founder of , highlights the importance of investing in assistance. By hiring a Director of Operations, she has reclaimed more than 20 hours of her week. Liane Agbi, Founder and CEO of , includes her operating hours directly in her email signature to establish boundaries around her schedule.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more life hacks, support systems, and mindset shifts to explore, sourced directly from the remarkable women, just like yourself, who are working each day to both run their businesses and be there for their families. Ultimately, these strategies are not just about balancing work and family—they’re about simultaneously thriving in both.

I put my business hours in my email signature “Establishing boundaries around my work schedule and publicizing it with my clients has allowed me to gain more time freedom. I .