Four years after her son was home, a “horrible vision” still plagues his mother – the thought that the last thing he saw was the face of a killer. Sandra Wild opened up with on the fourth anniversary of her son’s murder, describing August 18, 2020, as “a normal day [that] turned into a nightmare we will never recover from”. “I have a permanent ache in my heart.

A full night’s sleep is something that happened a long time ago. There is a horrible vision which plays on in my mind. It is a vision I will carry with me forever, along with the terrible sadness that the face of a murderer was the last thing my son was ever to see,” she said.

“A son who loved the beauty of what was around him and had the great gift of photographing beauty and sharing it with others. I still can’t believe this is real and that Ivor isn’t going to burst through the door with a big smile on his face.” Ivor Piotr Maciejowski – a 30-year-old contemporary art dealer – and his partner Christian Pandolfino were murdered in their Sliema home in what investigators believe may have been a botched robbery.

Both died of gunshot wounds and were found lying on the ground in the upper and lower floors of the house. Since then, three men have been accused of the murder and one of them – Danish national – agreed to plead guilty and was handed a 40-year jail sentence. But the case is far from closed.

The other two men facing murder charges – Albanian national and Serbian national – .