Tayla Henderson had a big, bold and beautiful personality. / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading She was kind, compassionate, humorous and cared enormously about those around her. Tayla and Sofia Heszterenyiova got along like a house on fire from the very second they met - in a hospital in Wollongong where they were seeking help as they struggled through separate mental health crises.

The best friends became each other's family, listing one another as the next of kin. They created a bucket list set to make the most of life's offerings, from going on a cruise together to sky-diving in a bid to face their mutual fear of height. Their mutual love for sunflowers was just one of the many things they shared, along with their secrets and feelings, good, bad and ugly.

Suicide was no stranger to either of them - they both had to fight to keep going. Then, on January 19, Sofia received a goodbye video that would change her life undoubtedly. The beautiful, bubbly, larger-than-life Tayla had made that fateful decision to take her own life.

It is not the first loved one Sofia, just 26, has lost a loved one to suicide, nor is it the first goodbye she has received from a friend in distress. "I've lost a lot of people to suicide, 10 people all up, and most recently my best friend who was the closest person I had in my life," Sofia said. "She was more my family then my actual family and we were both struggling.

I have personal experiences and on this particular night, on January 19,.